VIP Kick Starter Box

Click here to see what is included to kick-start your journey to launch including domain and email registration.

8 x 30 minute Calls

From discovery to delivery, we'll talk you through each step, working with you to develop your digital product


including all graphics, Kajabi website setup, home page, sales pages, offer pages, product development

Course creation coaching.

We'll coach you through content creation for a 4 week  course - with set deadlines and revsions.

List building and pre-launch social media campaign & strategy

+ includes a $1000 media Ad spend & Ad management setup.

Email sequence automation

We'll import your existing database - setup & tag your email sequences and help build your sales funnel.

What you will get

Customized, branded assets. Individualized coaching . Your digital product ready for an exciting launch.

$25, 497

That's What I Want


50% Complete

Two Step

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